Get 5X more interviews and accelerate your career path

Quit the endless job application grind and invest that time in personal development!

Unlock Your Dream Career: Master the Art of Job Success!

We've walked in your shoes, navigating the job application maze ourselves. That's why we crafted this service with affordable plans tailored to simplify your job application process.

Maximise your job search Impact!

Having navigated the job application maze ourselves, we've crafted an affordable service to simplify your process.

Our clients are from

How it works

Start finding a job you love with us easily

Why Choose Us

We know Job search is painful. That’s why we’ve created services to help you out applying to jobs and saving time.
Trusted Process

Transparency is key. We've walked your path, craving transparency. So we ensure that you are on the loop.

Easy to Use

Like you, we craved simplicity. Vepply's interface? It's born from that craving.

Affordable plans

We wished for this too, without the hefty price tag. Vepply's plans? They're for us and you, offering quality without draining your wallet.

Boost interviews 5X and fast-track your journey!

Hours Saved
Applications Submitted
Successful Interviews

Pricing Plan

Easy Start

Lets begin!
$ 99 /mo
  • Upto 1000 applications
    in 4 months
  • up to 2 roles
  • Free resume review
  • Free resume revisions
  • Custom Cover letters
Select Plan
Most Popular

Steady Progress

I'm all in
$ 149 /mo
  • Upto 1000 applications
    in 3 months
  • up to 3 roles
  • Free resume review
  • Free resume revisions
  • Custom Cover letters
Select Plan

Fast Track

This is the boost I've been
waiting for!
$ 199 /mo
  • Upto 1000 applications
    in 2 month
  • up to 4 roles
  • Free resume review
  • Free resume revisions
  • Custom Cover letters
Select Plan
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Some of our frequently answered questions

Latest News


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Don't expect ChatGPT to help you land your next job

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